National Food & Fibre Education Plan

A high-level thinktank of national food and fibre leaders have committed to expanding agriculture’s influence in the Australian school curriculum.

Backed by more than 50 peak council and RDC CEOs, MDs, chairs and their nominees who met in Brisbane on Friday (April 21, 2023), the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Sen Murray Watt and the Assistant Minister for Education, Sen Anthony Chisholm attended the invitation-only forum and also pledged their support.

Attendees agreed to support the existing Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) to achieve outcomes for this initiative.

MLA MD, Jason Strong, committed to financially support the concept and suggested that funding be shared proportionally between the RDCs, with co-funding from the Federal Government.


A Working Group will be established and will spend six months preparing a strategy to boost food and fibre education in schools.
The skillsets needed for the working group, include:

  • An independent chair
  • A PIEFA representative
  • A policy and funding expert
  • An education or curriculum expert
  • A corporate representative
  • A project manager/secretariat
  • An RDC representative via the CRRDC

Those wishing to express interest in being appointed to the Working Group should submit an email application to: .

The following criteria must be addressed:

  • Indicate Working Group role/position you’re applying for
    Skills and experience, including a brief Curriculum Vitae (maximum five pages)
  • Contact details of two referees
  • Availability for monthly half-day online meetings and at least two day-long, in person meetings in Sydney within the next six months

It is expected that Working Group members’ time will be contributed by their employers but in instances where this is not the case, the PIEFA Director sitting fee will apply.[1] Expenses involved in attending in person meetings will be reimbursed.

The selection committee reserves the right to approach individuals who they believe have the skill sets appropriate for the task.

CONTACT: Luciano Mesiti, PIEFA CEO:

[1] This based on the fee set by the Australian Government Remuneration Tribunal sitting fees for Committees of Rural Research and Development which is currently $701/day.

Working Group selection committee:

Luciano Mesiti | CEO, PIEFA
Fiona Simson | President, National Farmers’ Federation
Janine Waller | Executive Director, Australian Dairy Products Federation
Chris Taylor | CEO, Australian Meat Processor Corporation
Michael Guerin | CEO, AgForce Queensland

Access the working document that showcases successful education programs, compiled for the Ag Education Forum in Brisbane, here: